Post 30


Upgrade to the PostClose Pro Post 30 subscription for just $12 a month and broaden your client care capabilities to 30 contacts. This enhanced plan includes all the benefits of our standard service plus the exclusive option to send a personalized video message once a year, making your annual digital magazine touch more personal and impactful. Connect deeply, maintain lasting relationships, and add a personal touch with PostClose Pro Post 30. Elevate your client follow-up strategy today!



Elevate your client care strategy with the PostClose Pro Premium subscription. For just $12 a month, extend your reach and deepen your client relationships by managing up to 30 contacts with the same personalized, automated email service you trust. This premium tier takes your client engagement to the next level by offering an exclusive feature: the ability to add a personalized video message once a year from you to your clients, embedded in the digital magazine they receive.

This unique video message allows you to connect more personally with your clients, expressing gratitude, providing updates, or simply reminding them of your continued support and services. It’s a powerful tool to strengthen the bond and remind clients of the person behind the professional service. In addition to the personalized video feature, enjoy all the benefits of the standard subscription, including custom-branded content, seasonal home maintenance advice, celebratory anniversary emails, and insightful market updates.

Subscribe to the PostClose Pro Premium service today for an enhanced approach to post-sale client engagement. Manage more contacts, offer more value, and personalize your communication like never before. With PostClose Pro Premium, you’re not just staying in touch; you’re creating lasting impressions and building stronger relationships.